How to start a conversation on a dating app

Hey there, fellow love-seeker! So, you’ve swiped through countless profiles, found someone who catches your eye, and now comes the nerve-wracking part: starting the conversation. We get it, the blank screen staring back at you can be intimidating, but fear not! You’re about to embark on a journey to master the art of making a memorable first impression on a dating app.

You stumble upon a profile that piques your interest—a smile that lights up the screen, a shared love for cheesy '80s movies, or maybe just a vibe that speaks to your soul. You're intrigued, excited even, but then comes the daunting task of breaking the ice. How do you craft that perfect opening message that's witty, charming, and oh-so-irresistible?

Well, fret not, dear reader, because you’re about to learn the secrets to starting a conversation on a dating app like a pro. In this blog post, we’re diving deep into the dos and don’ts of making that crucial first move, with plenty of tips, tricks, and real-life examples to guide you along the way.

So, whether you’re a seasoned swiper or a newbie to the world of online dating, buckle up and get ready to charm your way into someone’s heart with the perfect opening message. Trust us, by the time you’re done reading this, you’ll be a conversation-starting guru, ready to make a splash in the vast sea of online romance.

Ready to dive in? Let’s do this!

Crafting Your Opening Message

Alright, it’s time to tackle the blank screen and compose that all-important first message. But wait—before you start typing away, let’s break down the key elements of a standout opening message:

Personalize Your Approach: Sure, it’s easy to copy and paste the same generic message to every match, but where’s the fun in that? Take a moment to personalize your message based on something you found interesting or intriguing in their profile. Whether it’s a shared interest, a quirky hobby, or a mutual love for obscure ’90s sitcoms, showing that you’ve taken the time to read their profile goes a long way.

Be Genuine and Authentic: Authenticity is the name of the game when it comes to making a connection on a dating app. Avoid cliché pickup lines or overly rehearsed messages, and instead, let your personality shine through. Whether you’re naturally witty, charmingly awkward, or just downright adorable, embrace who you are and let it come through in your message.

Keep it Light and Playful: Remember, you’re not penning a dissertation here—keep things light, playful, and fun. Inject a bit of humor or wit into your message to break the ice and put a smile on their face. A well-timed joke or playful banter can go a long way in making your message stand out from the crowd.

Ask a Question: Want to encourage engagement and keep the conversation flowing? Ask an open-ended question that invites them to share more about themselves. Whether it’s about their favorite travel destination, go-to karaoke song, or secret talent, showing genuine interest in getting to know them sparks curiosity and sets the stage for meaningful conversation.

So, there you have it—your blueprint for crafting the perfect opening message. Now, let’s dive into some dos and don’ts to ensure your message hits all the right notes and leaves a lasting impression.

Ready to put your newfound knowledge into action? Let’s dive into the dos and don’ts of starting a conversation on a dating app!

Also Read: Online Dating Safety Tips for Men

Dos and Don’ts of Starting a Conversation

Now that you’re armed with the basics of crafting a standout opening message, let’s delve into some dos and don’ts to ensure you’re making the best impression possible:


  1. Do Your Research: Take the time to read their profile thoroughly before sending a message. Look for common interests, shared hobbies, or intriguing tidbits that you can reference in your opening message. Showing that you’ve taken the time to learn about them demonstrates genuine interest and sets the stage for a meaningful conversation.
  2. Do Show Interest: Show genuine curiosity about them and what they’re looking for in a relationship. Ask thoughtful questions that invite them to share more about themselves and their interests. Remember, people love to talk about themselves, so give them the opportunity to do so!
  3. Do Be Respectful: Use polite language and respectful tone in your messages. Avoid making inappropriate or overly forward comments, and always treat your match with the same level of respect and courtesy that you would expect in return.


  1. Don’t Use Cheesy Pickup Lines: While pickup lines can be fun in the right context, they often come across as insincere or unoriginal. Instead of relying on tired clichés, opt for a more personalized and thoughtful approach to starting the conversation.
  2. Don’t Be Overly Familiar: It’s important to maintain a level of respect and decorum, especially in the early stages of communication. Avoid being overly familiar or making assumptions about your match based on their profile. Treat them with the same level of courtesy and respect that you would in any other social interaction.
  3. Don’t Get Discouraged by Rejection: Not every conversation will lead to a connection, and that’s okay. If your message goes unanswered or your match doesn’t seem interested in continuing the conversation, don’t take it personally. Keep an open mind and stay positive, knowing that the right connection is out there waiting for you.

By keeping these dos and don’ts in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to start conversations on dating apps with confidence and authenticity. Now, let’s dive into some examples of effective opening messages to inspire your own messaging strategy.

You stumble upon a profile that piques your interest—a smile that lights up the screen, a shared love for cheesy '80s movies, or maybe just a vibe that speaks to your soul. You're intrigued, excited even, but then comes the daunting task of breaking the ice. How do you craft that perfect opening message that's witty, charming, and oh-so-irresistible?

Examples of Effective Opening Messages

Ready to put your newfound knowledge into practice? Let’s explore some real-life examples of opening messages that are sure to grab your match’s attention:

  1. Personalized Approach:
  • “Hey [Name], I couldn’t help but notice your love for hiking in your profile—I’m a bit of a nature enthusiast myself! What’s your favorite hiking trail you’ve explored so far?”
  1. Genuine and Authentic:
  • “Hi there! I have to admit, your profile made me laugh out loud (in a good way)! Your passion for cheesy ’80s movies is definitely something we have in common. Got any favorite classics?”
  1. Light and Playful:
  • “Hey! So, I’m trying to settle a debate with a friend—what’s the ultimate comfort food: pizza or tacos? Feel free to weigh in and save me from this existential crisis!”
  1. Asking a Question:
  • “Hi! Your travel photos are incredible—I’m curious, if you could drop everything and jet off to any destination right now, where would you go and why?”
  1. Finding Common Ground:
  • “Hey [Name], I noticed we both share a love for live music—have you been to any memorable concerts lately? I’m always on the lookout for new artists to check out!”
  1. Humor to Break the Ice:
  • “Hi! I have a confession to make: I’m terrible at starting conversations on dating apps. So, here I am, embracing the awkwardness and hoping you’ll find my attempt at charm endearing rather than cringe-worthy!”

Remember, the key to a successful opening message is to be genuine, authentic, and engaging. Use these examples as inspiration to craft your own unique messages that reflect your personality and show genuine interest in getting to know your match.

Now that you have some inspiration to get started, it’s time to dive into the world of online dating armed with confidence and creativity. Happy messaging!

Also Read: How to deal with rejection on a dating app

Following Up and Maintaining the Conversation

So, you’ve sent that perfect opening message and now you’re eagerly awaiting a response. But what do you do when they reply? How do you keep the conversation flowing and maintain their interest? Let’s dive into some tips for following up and maintaining the conversation:

Responding to Their Reply: When your match responds to your message, be sure to acknowledge their reply and express appreciation for their response. Whether they answered your question, shared a bit about themselves, or simply responded with a friendly greeting, take the time to show that you’re engaged and interested in continuing the conversation.

Sharing More About Yourself: As the conversation progresses, don’t be afraid to share more about yourself and your interests. Offer anecdotes, share funny stories, or delve deeper into topics you both find intriguing. The goal is to keep the conversation balanced and reciprocal, with both parties actively contributing to the dialogue.

Finding Common Ground: Look for shared interests or experiences that you can bond over and explore together. Whether it’s a mutual love for a certain hobby, a shared sense of humor, or similar life experiences, finding common ground can help deepen the connection and keep the conversation flowing naturally.

Asking Follow-Up Questions: Keep the conversation dynamic and engaging by asking follow-up questions based on their responses. Show genuine curiosity and interest in learning more about them, and use their answers as springboards for further discussion. This demonstrates active listening and helps keep the conversation focused and meaningful.

Knowing When to Take the Next Step: As the conversation progresses and you continue to connect with your match, you may reach a point where it feels natural to suggest taking the conversation offline. Whether it’s exchanging phone numbers, moving to a different messaging platform, or even planning a virtual or in-person date, trust your instincts and take the initiative when the time feels right.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to maintain engaging and meaningful conversations with your matches on dating apps. Remember, the goal is to build rapport, establish a connection, and ultimately, explore the potential for a deeper relationship.

Now, armed with these strategies, go forth and continue those conversations with confidence and enthusiasm!

Some chatting snippets

Certainly! Here are five chat conversations showcasing different approaches and topics:

Casual and Playful Conversation:

  • Person A: Hey there! 🌟 Just stumbled upon your profile and couldn’t resist saying hi! How’s your day going?
  • Person B: Hi! 😊 Thanks for reaching out! My day’s been pretty good, just busy with work. How about you?
  • Person A: Glad to hear! My day’s been alright, nothing too exciting. So, I noticed you’re into hiking—any favorite trails you’d recommend?
  • Person B: Oh, definitely! There’s this trail up in the mountains that offers the most breathtaking views. Have you been hiking before?
  • Person A: Sounds amazing! I’ve done a bit of hiking here and there, but always looking for new adventures. Maybe we could plan a hike together sometime?

Sharing Personal Stories:

  • Person A: Hey! I saw in your profile that you’re a fellow dog lover—what’s your pup’s name?
  • Person B: Hi! 😊 Her name’s Luna, and she’s the sweetest thing ever. How about you, any furry friends?
  • Person A: Luna sounds adorable! I actually have a dog too—his name’s Max, and he’s a total goofball. Do you have any funny pet stories?
  • Person B: Haha, plenty! One time, Luna stole a sandwich right off the kitchen counter and ran around the house with it. It was chaos!
  • Person A: That sounds hilarious! Max once tried to chase a squirrel up a tree and got stuck halfway. Needless to say, it was quite the rescue mission!

Getting to Know Each Other’s Interests:

  • Person A: Hi! Your profile caught my eye—I’m a huge fan of board games too! What’s your favorite game to play?
  • Person B: Hey! 😊 Board games are the best, right? I love Settlers of Catan, but I’m always up for trying something new. How about you?
  • Person A: Settlers of Catan is a classic! I’m a big fan of Ticket to Ride myself, but I’m always down for a game night with friends. Do you have any other hobbies you’re passionate about?
  • Person B: Aside from board games, I’m really into photography and hiking. There’s something about capturing moments in nature that’s so therapeutic. What about you?
  • Person A: That sounds amazing! I love photography too, although I’m definitely more of an amateur. Maybe you can teach me some tricks sometime?

Sharing Travel Experiences:

  • Person A: Hey! Your profile mentions you love traveling—any favorite destinations you’ve been to?
  • Person B: Hi there! 😊 Oh, where do I even start? I recently went on a trip to Japan, and it was an absolute dream. The food, the culture, the scenery—it was all incredible. How about you?
  • Person A: Japan sounds amazing! I’ve always wanted to visit. I haven’t traveled much internationally, but I did take a road trip up the coast last summer, and it was unforgettable. Do you have any travel plans for the future?
  • Person B: Road trips are so much fun! As for future plans, I’m hoping to explore more of Europe next. There’s just so much to see and experience. What about you? Any dream destinations on your bucket list?
  • Person A: Europe sounds like an adventure! I’ve always wanted to visit Italy and indulge in all the pasta and gelato. Hopefully, one day soon!

Planning a Virtual Date:

  • Person A: Hey! I’ve really enjoyed chatting with you, and I was wondering if you’d be up for a virtual coffee date sometime?
  • Person B: Hi! 😊 I’ve had a great time chatting too! A virtual coffee date sounds lovely—count me in! When were you thinking?
  • Person A: Yay! How about this Saturday afternoon? We can grab our favorite coffee or tea, hop on a video call, and chat some more.
  • Person B: Sounds perfect! I’ll make sure to have my favorite mug ready. Looking forward to it!
  • Person A: Me too! Can’t wait to finally put a face to the name. See you on Saturday!

These snippets showcase various conversation starters and topics, ranging from casual banter to deeper discussions, allowing for meaningful connections to form between individuals on dating apps.

Conclusion: Making Connections and Finding Love in the Digital Ag

Congratulations! You’ve now mastered the art of starting and maintaining conversations on dating apps like a pro. Armed with creativity, authenticity, and a willingness to connect, you’re well on your way to finding meaningful connections in the digital dating landscape.

As you continue your journey of online dating, remember that each conversation is an opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with someone new. Whether you’re exchanging witty banter, sharing personal stories, or discovering shared interests, cherish these moments of connection and embrace the possibilities they hold.

And if a conversation doesn’t lead to a love connection? That’s okay too. Every interaction, whether successful or not, brings you one step closer to finding the right match for you. So, don’t be discouraged by setbacks or rejections—keep an open heart and an open mind, and trust that the right person is out there waiting to cross paths with you.

Above all, remember to stay true to yourself and your intentions. Be genuine, be authentic, and be open to the magic of connection that can blossom when two people come together in the digital realm.

So, here’s to you, brave soul, venturing forth into the world of online dating with courage, confidence, and an unwavering belief in the power of connection. May your conversations be lively, your connections be genuine, and your journey be filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.

Now, go forth and start those conversations with gusto. Your next great love could be just a message away!